Unlocking the Modern Creator Mindset: Lessons from Sahil Bloom


Sahil Bloom

As a CEO stepping into the world of online content creation, I've found immense value in learning from world-class creators. 

One of the most impactful figures in my journey has been Sahil Bloom. His insights and mindset around creating online have been incredibly freeing for me, transforming how I approach content creation as a busy leader.

I want to share five key mindsets that Sahil taught me—principles that have not only helped me get started but also allowed me to embrace the creative process with more ease and confidence.

1. Experimentation Mindset = “Fuck around & Find out” Energy

One of the most liberating pieces of advice Sahil shared was to treat every new creating endeavor as an experiment. 

When I was just starting out, I got caught up trying to build a perfect strategy. But Sahil called me out. My perfectionism was an elaborate form of procrastination. He prompted me: just start experimenting.

By framing creative efforts as experiments, it invited more “Fuck around and Find out” energy. I started to play and explore without the weight of perfectionism. 

For me it was freeing to time-bound these experiments. It turned off my “where is this going?” nerves because I had set a fixed period to evaluate the results. But until then, it’s all about playing, learning, and exploring.

2. Orient Around Curiosity

Curiosity is a powerful driver for creativity. Sahil’s approach is deeply rooted in his own curiosity—wondering what might happen if you try something new. 

When I got curious about what would happen if I tried X, then I got more ideas and more energy.  

This mindset shift allowed me to hold my ideas loosely, giving me the freedom to be less attached to specific outcomes. Outcomes are just data. By orienting around curiosity, you open up.

3. Beware of the Perfectionism Trap

Ambitious individuals have a natural tendency to structure, plan, and strive for excellence. 

But as Sahil pointed out, this can create the "failure to launch" problem. The more we plan and perfect, the more we risk overthinking and delaying action.

When in doubt, simply start.

4. Capture Ideas in Real Time

During our conversation in this video, there is a moment 3 minutes into the video when Sahil shared a novel idea that occurred to him on the spot. 

Without missing a beat, he wrote it down in his notebook. This simple act was a pro move - capture ideas in real time.

Great creators understand that inspiration can strike at any moment, and they make sure to capture those ideas before they slip away. 

Whether you’re in the middle of a conversation, on a walk, or in the shower, have a system to capture your thoughts. You’ll have a goldmine of valuable content and insights captured and waiting.

5. Invert Your Fear

When we’re about to create something new, it’s natural to feel fear—fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of not being good enough. 

But instead of focusing on what could go wrong, Sahil suggests flipping the question: 

What if it goes right?

In my case, I found it most powerful asking, "What if this really helps someone?" 

Fear inversion transformed anxiety into motivation. It inspired a focus on the potential positive impact of my work. 

It’s a radically different mindset that shifts anxiety into action. 

When fear is really just related to getting into the arena of sharing ideas - invert it. You’ll shift to create from a place of purpose and possibility.

For more from Sahil Bloom, including his newsletter and book, check out his website here.

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Matt acquires or invests in cash-flowing digital businesses with $1-$5M in EBITDA.

Occasionally, he takes on advisory engagements for interesting projects. If this is of interest, feel free to share more.

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